So this is it! This project seemed a bit daunting at first, and instead it went by very quickly. I found out about “30 days of lists” via Twitter, one week before the start date. I wasn’t really sure what this project was about, or what to expect from it, or if I was getting myself into something difficult to keep up with. But I was very much intrigued. I remember reading somewhere that some people were doing this challenge but at their own pace, so I thought worst case scenario, I will complete it whenever I can. Still wasn’t 100% convinced. Then I did pay a visit to my local art store that afternoon and while browsing around I found a simple A6 notebook…perfect size, perfect number of pages, perfect price (95p+20%off!), not too intimidating to be filled in with 30 lists. And so I was sold. I signed up for “30 days of lists” that very evening and got access to the private blog. In there I found lots of tips on how to make these lists, some printables, a forum, and all the basic info about this project; and most of all, the list of the 30 prompts was ready to be downloaded in advance! I must admit, the thought of working on a daily prompt was making me a bit nervous, mostly because I wasn’t sure how much time was required to do each list. Having the list of the lists in advance was somehow reassuring. I spent the week before the start date to get the notebook ready. I did a bit of planning on how the notebook should look like, then printed out the daily prompts, prepared the numbers, stuck some washi tape, tried to letterpress the front cover. Now I was ready to go; one list a day for 30 days! Some of the lists were easy to write, some others required more thoughts and inspiration from other fellow listers, but it was such fun. Sharing my lists on the blog, instagram and flickr was fun too, but more time consuming than anticipated. I did try to do it once every day as soon as the list was ready, but had to play catch up a few times!
To be honest, having the notebook all set up was the key to easily keep up with this project and to enjoy it. It did feel a bit like cheating, but I couldn’t have done it otherwise. So very glad I joined in, and will look forward to next one.
If you are curious about this challenge and want to know more, check the 30 days of lists website.
Each of my 30 lists can be found here.