My first reaction to today’s prompt was: ‘Oh my god, I’m going to have a blank page in my #30lists notebook!’. Then I had a look at Amy’s and Kam’s lists for some inspiration and started thinking. I wouldn’t call these ‘talents’, but for sure these are things that I can do relatively well, except for the arrows as bullet points!
In case you can’t read my handwriting…
6. My talents
- I finish whatever I start, no matter what
- I am reliable
- I can draw and paint
- I speak two languages
- I am good at almost anything I set my mind on
There is still some space available in this page to add another talent…maybe I will discover a new one by the end of this challenge, who knows!
If you are curious about this challenge and want to know more, check the 30 days of lists website. There’s still time to register!!
Previous lists can be found here.