December Calendar Free Download

I enter the last month of the year with excitement and anxiety all at once. December is the month where I’d love to finish all the things that I had planned back in January, a time to tie all the loose ends, but it is also a month with lots of expectation, preparation for the holidays, family gatherings, presents to buy. I wish I could slow down this time of year to just enjoy the season and savour the Christmas spirit. But it takes a lot of self discipline to say “no” to things and avoid being hit by the Christmas craziness.
I hope you’ve enjoyed my monthly planner and I’m hoping to create something similar for next year (talking about things I’d love to do in December!).
Enjoy the holidays, and thanks for stopping by.
Happy December!


November Calendar Free Download

And so come November! We start the month here in Italy with a public holiday called All Saint’s Day. I don’t recall any particular tradition while growing up, except we were home from school and work and  we would have a big family lunch. Nowadays, my kids are more into Halloween as they get to dress up and eats candy and chocolate. But I’m hoping to bring some kind of family tradition for the day this year.
But past the holiday, we tend to start thinking about Christmas already, which is both exciting and stressful at the same time. We also have two family birthdays coming up which require planning and preparation.
So this year I’m making a conscious effort to live the month of November day by day, not making the Christmas/birthday rush getting the best of me and enjoy the small things everyday.
I have a little project coming up for this month which is getting me excited. I will tell you all about it in the next few week….it will involve little time and trees, so stay tuned.

In the meantime enjoy the calm of November before the December storm hits!
(click on the image below to download)

October Calendar Free Download

We are slowly moving into autumn, savouring these last warm days, spending time outdoor as much as we can, changing our weekly menu to add more soups and comfort food, enrolling into after school activities and attending birthday parties. It’s almost time to bring out jumpers and blankets, time for afternoon teas and apple cakes, time for slowing down after a fast going summer and a hectic back to school. I’m starting to like this season, even if it means shorter days and cool mornings.
What are your plans for this month? Hope something exciting!
Click on the image below to download.


September Calendar Free Download

September is like a new beginning. We had a long summer this year and getting back into a routine feels like an hopeless task. The new school year is just around the corner with Vale starting kindergarten and Olivia primary school; needless to say their approach to school is completely different, if not the opposite. I’m back at work this week, but I feel as I would need a few extra days to reconnect with myself and my home, which are both upside down at the moment.
Endless to-do lists are in order, as well as strategic planning.
Hope you are having a slow “back to school” time and enjoying the last of these long days.

Click on the image below to download.


August Calendar Free Download + some photos

We are in the midst of summer, along with school holidays, high temperatures, afternoon naps, al fresco dining, water games and biking rides. Yet, we have to wait a few more days for our family holidays to begin.
In the meantime, we start the month celebrating my 3 year old birthday and savoring the memories July has brought.

Happy August!
Click on the image below to download the monthly calendar