We are almost half way through this project and I’m still loving every week. This week there has been a lot of playing in the garden thanks to the kind weather we have been having.

This is you running around the garden with mama’s watercolours and brush
This week you:
- Turned 18 month old and for the first time since you were born it felt like time is really flying by. These past 6 months have gone so quickly and you have made so many progress in growing up…we had to wave goodbye to the baby phase, you are a toddler now!
- Got your first scooter to celebrate your 18 month birthday. We were going to wait for you to turn 2, but then you tried your friend’s scooter and loved it, and we loved it too 🙂
- Learned to do small puzzles by yourself. You got upset every time we tried to help you, but then you got frustrated if you were not able to put the pieces together…we can’t win!
- Had a temperature again over the weekend, and we really don’t know what’s happening now. Is it because of teething? We’ll find out this week when we go to see the doctor.
Happy 18 month birthday baby girl! We have come a long way and we love you more and more.
From last week’s posts I’ve chosen these two beautiful pictures of Pebble and Rocky from Octavia and Vicky. What a joyful and relaxing feeling!
If you are curious about this project and want to know more, you can check Jody’s blog @ Che and Fidel.
All my previous posts can be found here.