#30lists // 29. I’m grateful for…

It took me a while to decide what should make it to this list. There are so many things I’m grateful for, although I do often forget and this was an excellent reminder that life is good after all!

In case you can’t read my handwriting…

29. I’m grateful for…
  • my family
  • my health
  • my job
  • kind people
  • the sun
  • my hobbies (that keep me sane!)
  • the life I’m living

If you are curious about this challenge and want to know more, check the 30 days of lists website.

All my previous lists can be found here

#30lists // 28. This week I chose to…

I didn’t really think I had enough stuff to put on today’s list until I started thinking about it. It has been a pretty quiet week, apparently with loads of choices made!
In case you can’t read my handwriting…

28. This week I chose to…
  • Return to work even if still feeling down
  • Spend the evening drawing rather than watching TV
  • Re-launch my old blog even if it still needs some adjustments
  • Take a nap after coming home from work
  • Do some online shopping even if it was not really necessary

If you are curious about this challenge and want to know more, check the 30 days of lists website.

All my previous lists can be found here

#30 lists // 27. Quotes getting me through the day/week/month

I have been thinking about today’s prompt all morning, and all I could think of was my monthly mantra. I wrote these quotes at the end of last month (here), for no particular reason, I just felt I needed to put them on paper. And they have been with me since. I look at them (or sometimes repeat them in my head!) every day when needed, morning or afternoon, and they make me feel better, more positive, more empowered. 

In case you can’t read my handwriting…

27. Quotes getting me through the day/week/month
  • Today is your day
  • Be quiet
  • Be loud
  • Just be

If you are curious about this challenge and want to know more, check the 30 days of lists website.

All my previous lists can be found here

#30 lists // 26. Last year at this time, I was…

I have lots of good memories of this time last year! We spent two months (Feb-Mar) in Italy visiting our families with our 2 month old baby girl. It was good to have a lot of attention and support while we were still trying to figure out our new role as parents.

In case you can’t read my handwriting…

26. Last year at this time, I was…
  • In Italy visiting my in-laws
  • Breastfeeding my daughter
  • Tired and sleep deprived
  • Enjoying our daily walks
  • On maternity leave (bliss!)
  • Trying to adjust to my new life of being a parent

If you are curious about this challenge and want to know more, check the 30 days of lists website.

All my previous lists can be found here

#30 lists // 23. 24. 25!

I’m playing lists catch up again! 

My lists for prompts 23 and 24 are a bit boring; I wish I could say more, but this is really how things truthfully are and there is not much I can do about it.

In case you can’t read my handwriting…

23. Past injuries
  • 2 stitches at the back of my head
  • A cracked front tooth
  • And fortunately I can’t think of anything else!

24. Pets (past & present)
  • A white cat for only a week when I was about 3 years old. We were fighting all the time and my parents decided to give it away. That was the end of me having a pet!

List 25 made me thinking; the way I deal with things is really not the way I would like it to be. I normally have a really good start when trying to make a decision, evaluating all the pros and cons, making lists, thinking it through. But then when it’s actually time to choose, it seems that all the hard work done before to make an informative choice goes out the window and the irrational part of my brain takes over and does the rest. Uhmm…definitely something to work on!
In case you can’t read my handwriting…

25. When faced with a tough decision, I…
  • Ask my mister for advice
  • Think about it too much until my head hurts
  • Procrastinate
  • End up making an irrational choice (most of the time!)

If you are curious about this challenge and want to know more, check the 30 days of lists website.

All my previous lists can be found here.