All from Apartment Therapy / Nursery & Kids
And we are house hunting again! Our one bedroom apartment, which we love, is not going to fit our family of three for much longer. So here we are, looking for the perfect house, the perfect location, the perfect price!
Is going to be a long search, I’m sure, until we’ll fall in love with another place again, but it will happen at some point and I want to be ready. I’m already dreaming about decor, style, rooms to fill and new furniture to buy, but most of all I’m dreaming about Olivia’s room! I haven’t had the fortune to decorate a nursery for my little Miss before she was born as we didn’t have a room for her, and still don’t. I missed the chance to do what most pregnant women do, that nesting instinct that you get during pregnancy was only halfway fulfilled. Now I want to make up for the missed opportunity and get it perfect. I have a pretty clear idea on how I would like her room to look like; white walls and bold colours for evething else, including furniture. And while brousing on Apartment Therapy, I have found some rooms that inspired me and gave me more ideas to take on board. I can’t wait!